We look after our people. We look after our planet.
We are committed to do what’s best for our employees and the communities in which we work.
Cepac and the Community
We report on our energy use using SECR reporting ( Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting ). This is our obligation to report on our energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions.
We are part of ESOS ( The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme ). The energy within our buildings , industrial processes and transport is audited every 4 years to identify cost-effective energy saving measures. We respond and invest based on ESOS recommendations.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Our independent purchasing strategy is at the heart of our Sustainability approach. The Recycled and Kraft papers we purchase are carefully selected from modern mills that can demonstrate they conform to Packaging Waste Essential Requirements, and they support a well-managed and sustainable forestry program. We work with paper mills that operate a unique traceability system at all stages of the supply chain and are part of the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC).
Go GreenerGreen Energy Production
We have been purchasing Green Energy since 2016 and produce a proportion of our green energy requirements in-house. The proportion of our in-house green energy production will increase over time.
Carbon Control
We have tracked our direct CO2 Scope 1 and 2 emissions back to 2015, measured as a consistent metric of CO2 output per tonne of product produced. This is an industry standard measurement of performance. We use recognised Government conversion factors to establish our emissions.
We are constantly committed to providing meaningful and impactful reductions in our direct energy use as we move forward to 2030. Our reduction plan focuses upon using the best available technology to maximise efficiency in all areas of energy usage such as production, lighting, heating, insulation and the recycling of lost energy.
Cepac continuously strives to adopt the best operational and environmental practices. We constantly review our practices forever learning how to do what we do, better.
Careers at CepacTogether we achieve more
We believe in working collaboratively at all levels of our business. Get in touch with one of our experts to find the right solution for your requirements.